You hit it out of the park, Helen! This is masterful. You managed to cover so much of how far things have gotten. Imagine what would happen if everyone tossed their SmartPhones and iPHones and instead chose to have conversations in coffee shops....

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Does anyone know about this? I was 13 years old at the time this happened and don't even remember it from any news. This is most likely a psyop as well for ulterior motives beyond the obvious because I think both of these two major political parties in America have just had many more lip-service, undercover psyop scammers in them than not since 1913, more or less. I mean they used the word "Federal" as a psyop since 1913, and still do, as just one example of the many illusions we've grown up in. All this "Jan 6" bs may have had some good, but duped, uninformed, people in it who support our US Constitution and still think these two parties have been doing that, but mostly it seems like all this drama is to prop up this two party soap-opera scam we've had, with worthless electronic voting machines today even, to get the "other" side in power, back and forth.

Nov 7, 1983 Senate bombing


Michael 🌻

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very interesting, i was not familiar with this person. i know a couple of the Weathermen have since resurfaced in prestigious academic positions (had to sit through a profoundly tedious talk given by one of them at my university many years ago) but this would be the closest i've seen to "reverting to type"... there were enough "real" people present at the January 6 event that it was not a 100% psyop - after all, they needed a sprinkling of Ray Eppses & Nick Fuenteses to get people to actually rush the Capitol - but yes, the political value of risking one's freedom for a candidate whose values are almost indistinguishable from the other (or even for the principle of accurately counting votes so that such a candidate can be rightfully inserted into office) is minimal - i think people just saw a way to publicly register their dissatisfaction with the way things were going & pounced on it - unlike pretty much every country in Europe, the US had a pretty weak opposition movement to the Covid-19 experiment, & i think an opportunity was missed to deliver a spirited public bitchslap to the parasites without making it about Trump or whoever.

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PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))

❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞


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The beauty of the language almost makes me forget the utter horror show that inspires the content. Your prose is gorgeous and your insights are truly admirable. Thank you for your work Helen.

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Great writing, you explained it very well.

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No writer I know packs so much punch into a single article as you do. The RESEARCH involved! The HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE! (OK, enough with the all-caps.) And the humor: "flatulent Sinophile Eric Swalwell," "Patrick Bateman understudy Gavin Newsom" -- a much-appreciated leavening of the true horror of these individuals -- and don't get me started on (Up)Chuck Schumer. The most fabulous quote for me: "Preventing empathy becomes a full-time job for the establishment." Isolate the Other at all costs! I can't wait to read Part 2.

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You're starting to eclipse luminaries like H.L. Mencken, Mae Russell, & Dave McGowan. Wish the brilliant insights didn't leave me feeling blackpilled but hey that's on the world not you, and the last paragraph at least leaves the door open for a sliver of hope

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Thank-you for writing as you do! Very much appreciate your insights....

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And how the hell do "they" determine "decisiveness of clicks," anyway?

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Absolute masterpiece!

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What can I say beyond "I love your work, this is another based masterpiece, I've never felt more red-pilled, and you kick ass!" When the world finally goes to total shit, I hope I'm in your hate cluster, because I'm sure it will be an entertaining aside to the Animal Farm/1984 dystopian hell-scape, that Big Brother is building for us all. Truly, forceful, inspiring missive!

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Excellent, Helen.

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What can I say---you've said it all (to this point.) Waiting for the rest of this one.

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Watch as many of these videos as you can. Watch em in order for the most part:


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This Video/Article with comments is Referenced Here:

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April 13th, 2023, Thursday Morning, Easter Thursday, Index Number 1863:

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Right on Helen. All we can do is learn and share the best truth we can that makes sense to us in these first 25 or so years of the internet. Just look around at who doesn't even try, and some who do but still rely heavily on the US, BBC and other legacy mainstream combined psyop media. Who would have ever thought when we were little that as adults if we cared about reality we'd have to go through so many controlled opposition people to even find anyone who is real with no mask of any kind.

Also, who hasn't heard all their lives that politicians lie? Who hasn't heard all their lives that the legacy mainstream media lies? I'd bet that I speak for us all when I say yes, I've heard that all my life, but I just had NO IDEA how much so. Just a handful of our congress members ever even get close to the truth about lots of things. Young people don't see this by far and large. Young people, unless some honest person points any of them out, don't see any of these psyop scams on us and others either. We've all been raised on lots of spin, lies and omissions of important truths for a good while now. From even before our parents were born. What a fractured and skewed version of reality we've all had to weed through best we can in the "land of the free, home of the brave".

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Well observed and expressed. We expect no less. The question that hangs over all that we the living survey remains. What is to be done? It seems at this point that even to perceive the truth, even for those who don't or won't or "can't" tell it is in itself a revolutionary act.

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