A truly comprehensive and illuminating piece HoD! And talk about a "deep dive"! Wow.

Let me start with a quick anecdote from my time working in sales- One of the things I learned, was the practice of bringing in industry reps, to "sell the salesmen" on a product, system, whatever.

Liars make for pretty terrible salesmen; Transparent bullshitters, that turn you off with their empty words and vacuous endorsements. They just ring hollow, because you know they are lying, they know they are lying, and it becomes some kabuki theater ghost dance, whereby both participants know they are participating in a fake charade.

Hence, step one to creating a good salesperson, is to convince them of the product's efficacy, value, longevity, "industry leading innovations", blah blah blah.. They don't KNOW the product, they only know what they have been told about it, hence, you first "sell it to them"!

That way, when they are in front of the customer, they are no longer lying about the product, they are telling "their truth" about it's efficacy, value, longevity... preaching the sermon they were fed, about how great it is. NOW, they do sound convincing, because they believe what they are saying. The customer no longer gets the sense that they are being bullshitted, because they are hearing it all from someone who believes it wholeheartedly.

Hence, we get to our new compendium of woke world, government approved, CIA-Mossad trained, globo-speak regurgitating propaganda front people, like our little darling of the day, Katherine Maher.

Compared to previous models, she is the "T-2 Terminator", a replacement for the the long line of deeply flawed, patently obvious bullshitters like, say, Peter Hotez, Nina Jankowicz, Bill Gates, or that despicable excuse for a human, Yuval Noah Harari!

Those "people" (and I use that term very loosely) make the average person's skin crawl! They're disingenuous, incurably insane, insulated, isolated, vapid nut jobs, that are the "I will say anything under the sun, no matter how ridiculous, insensible, contrarian, or Bond Villain Sounding evil, if the system tells me to" basic terminators models.

They're too clunky, creepy, ham fisted, "try hards", that always come across as sleazy sales people, hawking some merch on the shopping network... but they are all obvious "converts".

Sure, they've sold their soul to the devil too, but they were converted into this lunacy, so a part of their psyche always knows that they had a time before they bought into all of this bullshit, and that prevents them from sounding truly genuine, because they still know that they are "in on the grift".

But not Maher... as she was born into The Cult! She's not just a true believer, she's a High Priestess, Born to Be King, model that has NEVER known any other religion.

Hence, "her crazy" still smells of the genuine. She's not lying, she's telling "the truth as she knows it, and has always known it".

Her resume reads like a "Who's Who" of the reptile class. When she tells you that "we had to burn the village to save it", she believes every word.

She's a Red Diaper Baby of the woke-mind-virus, and that is what makes her so different from many others. She's not going to "sing a little song about how disinformation is going to make the puppies cry", or accidentally let slip some quip about "blocking out the sun, and releasing vaccine spreading super mosquitoes", and she doesn't come across as some craven loon like Hotez, who would literally go on TV and eat a plate of dogshit, if the ADA told him he should.

Nope, she's the "next wave", the new thing, the steeped in it since conception true believer, that sounds measured, thoughtful, lucid and sane, even somewhat friendly, affable, and nice, while she utters her carefully crafted tyrannical insanity.

She's the product of a lifetime of living in the deep state woke mind virus cult, and when she speaks, she isn't trying to "sell you", nope, she's trying to "show you the true path toward enlightenment, as she has always lived it herself".

I suspect that we will very quickly see the old guard, replaced with these newer models, as the old way wasn't working, and they struggle to recapture the narrative, and keep their death cult marching forward!


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agreed 100%. re: Maher, she's one of these "grown-in-a-vat-in-Langley" types that you're seeing more & more of - they get them while they're young (or just born, in her case) & start the programming before they can think for themselves, precisely so they come across as believable. until they actually have it set up that every outside stimulus we encounter is false (& wikipedia is working on that...) the contrast between the bullshit of a Jimmy Wales or a Yuval Noah Harari & the reality of "2+2=4" is going to be too obvious to hoodwink anyone with a remotely functional critical capability. so these newer model pod people are indeed going to be used to bridge the gap.

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Thank You for this exhaustive research, expertly presented, Helen. I'll excerpt and link to it in my blog.

[This is fun: "The establishment Left in the US has been engaged in an ongoing act of credibility-seppuku since Trump’s 2016 electoral victory".]

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"Empire Off Balance" is today's blog post https://drjohnsblog.substack.com/p/empire-off-balance

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thanks, honored to be in such good company & hope i can sneak my work into many more of your updates!

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As always, I am in awe of your research skills and ability to "connect the dots," as at least one commenter has written. Not to mention your ever-present and tension-diffusing use of humor (Ms. Maher's dress "made from curtains," "HoD is supported by Readers Like You"). The physical presence of this Imperial Being -- is this yet ANOTHER AI construct walking around among us mere mortals? Alas, how I miss the sources of truth with which I grew up. Thank you so much for nourishing my brain with your wise words.

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one surefire way to get people to act against their best interests is to electronically hijack their thought patterns, & since we're basically eating smart dust for breakfast at this point....

(would love to interview Sabrina some day, i have a lot of questions...)

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Bizarro world...


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Hi, I post this to the WikipediaSucks forum: https://wikipediasucks.co/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&p=29700#p29700

I think you posted there back in 2020. We've had a lack of posters lately and I'd really appreciate your in depth commentary there. -ovsk

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thanks, now i just need to remember my password for that forum, it's been years...glad it's still around though as i'm planning to get back to work on the wikipedia book i was writing before covid sucked up all my time/energy/resources. this monster has gotten out of control & all the focus is on the for-profit propaganda networks instead

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Thank you for remembering us! If you need to reset your password the email you set was disembodiedcathead(at)gmail(dot)com. If you still can't I can get the admin to do it.

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Excellent article, Helen. I've linked it to another Substack and hope it goes viral.

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Aside from all of "her" nauseating System credentials, Katherine Maher's primary prerequisites for success in this realm of Hebraic wokeness is that "she" is a male to female, transsexual androgyne. A cursory glance at the 2nd photo of "her" in this article should sway even the lobotomized. Concomitant of course with bloodline and Freemasonic, secret society connections, this being the ultimate recipe for entrance into the apex of the Cryptocracy's dunghill of mouthpieces and sycophants. Wik-Jew-pedia's (and the other Establishment organ's) promulgated anti - Trump psychotic tirades are just orchestrated theater, created to make the orange headed buffoon's brain dead followers support their messiah all the more. Maher, along with every other featherless biped creep that "makes it" in this dystopian circus of perversion, regardless of genre, (entertainment, politics- (more entertainment), high finance, sports, ad nauseum) is joined at the hip to the CIA, its daddy the Mossad, and all Military Intel and they are the running boys for the top tier Banksters who only answer to their invisible masters that rule this Demiurgic Hell. Control all information via algorithms in a digitized world, alter mass perception, direct herd response and behavior. Works like a charm. Thank you for a brilliant and perspicacious article, Helen, great to hear from you.

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Small Adams-apple, female voice and characteristics in videos, so not M>F trans.

Straight gaze, no blinking, true-believer, yet analytical and administratively effective.

This is a formidable information-warrior, as potent in her way as Victoria Nuland, but clearly more palatable...

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yes, the previous commenter seems to think everyone is trans, it's kind of suspect. Maher is a lot of things she pretends not to be, but a dude is not one of them. very much a true believer though, & bred to be such.

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The voice in a male to female, transsexual androgyne is made feminine by tightening the vocal cords (a very simple procedure) and numerous injections of estrogen. The exact opposite is done with a female to male Tranny. The gaze is clearly that of a male, as is the block skull, dental arch, jaw-line, and tree-trunk neck. You cannot see Maher's clavicle in those particular photos but I'd bet my right arm on a chopping slab that it is straight across, like that of a biological male. A true female's is shaped like a "V". Victoria Jew-land is a Tranny as well. Trannys go back into the mists of antiquity but in this tail end of a Kali Yuga they are ubiquitous. The Controllers just love placing these freaks in positions of authority over the Goyim, even though they only possess the cosmetic trappings of power. Real power is the province of the Chozen Pipple, the kids of the Demiurge.

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I agree that the "owners" (per Carlin) like to have special pets in positions of power, but I disagree that this woman has undergone gender-transition.

It is not ultimately important, but a detail.

Maher has feminine presentation, and that steady, unblinking forward gaze. She comes across as a true believer, not a sociopath (as we so often see with the Khazarian sneer).

This competent true-believer is a battlefield commander in the information wars, and appears skilled and competent.

"Know Your Enemy", and know yourself, as well, as per Sun Tzu.

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these people that are fixated on everyone being trans is getting absurd...besides being irrelevant

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Gracias, Cliff.

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As usual a whole lot of dot connecting. It's what I've (we've) come to expect from H. of D. Special thanks is in order for mentioning the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act, that infamous broad stroke that practically no one has heard of. How many even know about the recent passing of William H. Pepper who spent years (decades) to prove...well, you know what he proved.

At this point given the all out marketing of genocide as self defense and psychopathy as a leadership quality, I really have only one remaining question: what's with the hair forward over one shoulder? I see it on the streets outside, I see it in commercials, I see it in the ongoing infomercial known as network news. I likewise see with terrible frequency the Israeli flag flying proudly over the nearby branch of Anthropologie here in the liberal theme park in which I unfortunately reside.

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Thank you for that extremely detailed expose of the subversive organizations and actors that are aiming for the destruction of democratic government and complete domination of every aspect of our lives. Virtually all of the channels we used to trust, like NPR, PBS, Wikipedia,... have been captured by agents of evil. That's why people like us get censored, but we are being heard where it counts, and more people are starting to wake up. But we must get decentralized restructuring ramped up in all areas. My particular forte is in designing and implementing honest and effective mechanisms for exchanging value and financing economic and political transformation. These provide the necessary foundation for reclaiming our freedom and independence from the decaying imperial order.

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Yay!! Helen of desTroy is back!! How intellectually satisfying it is to re-engage the turbo-charged portion of my pre-frontal cortex again.

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Good to hear from Helen again, but there's a lot to unpack here. (A job I'm too tired to do in any comprehensive manner.) But she certainly is a very assiduous researcher and analyst. My heartfelt compliments.

As for NPR's "lost credibility," I think that went the way of the dodo after the Bush/Cheney coup. I didn't like its kinder, gentler imperialism much before then, either, but I still listened to it. After 2000, however, it became a neocon outlet with liberal window-dressing. I would find myself yelling at the radio when listening to All Things Considered. They even allowed neocon warmongers to give occasional editorials.

But that was then and this is now, and I'm not going to shed any tears for a purely establishment institution at a moment when I think ALL establishment institutions need to come down as fast as WTC7.

And I'm certainly not going to shed a tear for genocide apologist Uri Berliner. Still, his complaint about NPR raises an interesting question about this monstrous CIA dame Maher (who seems very much part of the Samantha Power/Cass Sunstein "school"). I have recently become aware that, in terms of actual governance--that is, in terms of the prospects of living under the rule of this or that ideological formation--pseudo-left imperialist establishmentarians who wish to engineer society to give a social-justice veneer to coercive domination are far worse and far more potentially oppressive than conservatives who still believe in some modicum of civil liberties. At least for the domestic population. And even as concerns the "beneficiaries" of our foreign policy--as we can see with Maher's extremely active role in sowing mayhem in the Middle East and her insincerity concerning Israel/Palestine--in very many cases, and in the very specific cases of all of the Obama and Biden era's shenanigans in Libya, Syria, Ukraine, etc., there, too, the "do good by doing bad" crusaders have also considerably proved worse, in terms of concrete results, than those who would take a more cautious approach, as conservatives often do.

Of course, remove capitalism as the driving force, and a true left would approach the outside world far differently.

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🎼To be read in "Vomitus Crescendo". 🎶🤮

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Her transition to blonde super shiksa evidenced by the photos in the article makes it easier, more palatable to guilt the NPR audience.

But she is not “white”, nor is the banking enclave she grew up in.

I’d guess Mossad . . .

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i could be wrong about the white part, sure, though the parts of CT i'm familiar with are pretty damn white. i'm sure the gates of the country clubs have been long since breached by now, but i definitely get an anglo vibe from the Maher family (the whole was-he-or-wasn't-he-a-spy coyness, plus "familiarity with the depth of the port of Aden" just sounds really British) & it does seem like she was hand-picked by Jimmy Wales' British wife.

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Got that right, Oy Vey.

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Quite an essay - - you didn't miss much except Jimmy Wales hat in hand pleading poverty at every turn with time running out; like that nuclear bomb in Fort Knox for GOLD FINGER. Also, you don't have to worry about much when you have an endless army of Marxist Communist editors endlessly vetting your credentials when you want to be in Wikipedia. So what if you've been in the media for 40 years; starting when Jimmy's short pants were cutting off all oxygen to his testicles...? This abomination is going to be closed down permanently and all perps shoved into a prison camp with stylish orange boiler suits where they belong.

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Hey Helen can you unblock me from your Telegram chat?

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Hi Helen,

Excellent, comprehensive, detailed & exhaustive reporting on NPR's takeover by former Wikipedia head. What an excellent deep-dive.

While providing information on Katherine Maher's sordid past, you have also called out the hypocrisies & dishonesty of those (like NYT & Uri Berliner) currently criticising her.

I can confirm that these "fact-check" tentacles have already reached several states in South Asian countries & it is threatening the lives, livelihoods, sanity & safety of the perceived "oppressor" class, who, btw, are the minority. At least in the west, the "oppressor" class is in the majority & is able to push-back. Replicating this woke experiment in other cultures & continents is putting actual lives in danger without any resistance or significant opposition.

I listened to your interview with Gary Null with your article above & continued reading it to the end. Well done.

PS: Helen, how are you? Have you stopped using Twitter? Is there any other way to contact you?

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